Rose of Jericho mentions in history

Rose of Jericho mentions in history

In addition to religious texts, the Rose of Jericho has also been mentioned in other books throughout history. In the book “The Travels of Marco Polo,” which was written in the 13th century, the plant is referred to as the “Flower of St. Mary.” The author describes how the plant can be revived by placing it in water and how it was commonly used for medicinal purposes.

What is the use of the real Rose of Jericho?

What is the use of the real Rose of Jericho?

It is believed that the Rose of Jericho helps during childbirth – in the birth process of the baby. It is said that the leaves are also used to strengthen the uterus and are good for conception. The leaves of this herbal plant are available growing in the Mediterranean region of the Judean Desert near the city of Jericho in the Land of Israel where, according to legend, Mary met the plant for the first time and blessed it.

Rose of Jericho oil

Real Rose of Jericho Anastatica hierochuntica oil

The real Rose of Jericho, Anastatica hierochuntica, is a desert plant native to Judean desert near Ancient Jericho that is well known as the oldest and lowest town in the world, located at a green oasis within the Jordan Valley in close proximity to the River Jordan, the Dead Sea, and Jerusalem.