Author Archives: real rose of jericho
The process of the resurrection of the true Rose of Jericho
The true Rose of Jericho, scientifically known as Anastatica Hierochuntica, is a botanical wonder that [...]
The differences between the oil of real Rose of Jericho and the Rose of Jericho
The Jericho Rose is a desert plant with a reputation for its amazing ability to [...]
Rose of Jericho mentions in history
In addition to religious texts, the Rose of Jericho has also been mentioned in other [...]
Holy water of the Jordan in Israel
The Jordan River is a sacred site for many religious traditions, especially Judaism and Christianity. [...]
Rose of Jericho oil
Rose of Jericho oil, also known as Anastatic hierochuntica oil or rose of Jericho oil, [...]
Jesus and olive oil from Bethlehem
Olive oil is mentioned several times in the Bible in reference to Jesus Messiah. In [...]
Myrrh oil
The Myrrh oil oil is extracted from the resin of the myrrh tree, which originates [...]
vera rosa de jericó
La verdadera rosa de Jericó, también conocida como rosa de la resurrección, es una planta [...]
Miracolo della rosa di Gerico
La storia di Maria, la madre di Gesù, è familiare a molte persone in tutto [...]
What is the use of the real Rose of Jericho?
It is believed that the Rose of Jericho helps during childbirth - in the birth [...]
Real Rose of Jericho Anastatica hierochuntica oil
The real Rose of Jericho, Anastatica hierochuntica, is a desert plant native to Judean desert [...]
La vera Rose of Jericho
La vera Rosa di Jericho is a special type of the Rose of Jericho plant [...]