Jesus and olive oil from Bethlehem

Jesus and olive oil from Bethlehem

Olive oil is mentioned several times in the Bible in reference to Jesus Messiah. In the Christian tradition, olive oil has an important symbolic and religious meaning, and is associated with several events in the life of Jesus.

One of the most significant references to olive oil in the life of Jesus is during his baptism by John the Baptist. In the Gospel of Mark it is said that after Jesus was baptized, the heavens opened and the Holy Spirit descended on him like a dove. It is also said that a voice from heaven declared: “You are my son, whom I love; with you I am satisfied.” (Mark 1:10-11, NIV) After this event, Jesus was led into the desert, where he fasted for 40 days and was tempted by Satan.

Olive oil is also mentioned in the New Testament in reference to the healing miracles of Jesus. In the Gospel of Mark it is said that Jesus healed a blind man by spitting on his eyes and then laying his hands on him. After the healing, the man was able to see clearly. (Mark 8:22-25, NIV) In another case, Jesus healed a man who was deaf and unable to speak by putting his fingers in the man’s ears and touching his tongue with saliva. (Mark 7:31-37, NIV)

Jesus and olive oil from Bethlehem
Jesus and olive oil from Bethlehem

In both of these healing miracles, olive oil is not specifically mentioned, but it is believed that olive oil was used as part of the healing process. In the ancient world, olive oil was commonly used for medicinal purposes, and was believed to have healing properties. It is likely that olive oil was used in these healing miracles as a symbol of the power of God and the healing power of Jesus.

Olive oil also has religious significance in the Christian tradition. It is used in several religious ceremonies, including anointing priests, consecrating churches and blessing the sick. In the Catholic Church, olive oil is used in the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, which is performed for seriously ill or near death patients.

Olive oil is an important symbol in the Christian tradition and is associated with several events in the life of Jesus Messiah. The use of olive oil in Jesus’ baptism and healing miracles is believed to represent the power of God and the healing power of Jesus. Olive oil continues to play an important role in the religious ceremonies of the Christian Church and is a symbol of the spiritual and physical healing available through faith in Jesus Messiah.



This oil, like any oil, can cause an allergy to certain people, so we do not recommend using this oil on the body or drinking it, this oil is intended for spiritual ritual purposes only.



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